Criminal Defence Lawyer
Offering a free case evaluation and available 24/7, Arun S. Maini and The Defence Group are ready to prepare your criminal defence. If you are under police investigation, or charged with a criminal offence, we can help.

The Court Process

There are three stages to a criminal case: the Analysis; the Negotiation; and, if necessary, the Trial. Every case goes through an analysis and a negotiation, but only a minority of cases require a trial.

Once you have been arrested and charged with a criminal offence, and once the issue of bail has been resolved (either by a station-house release or a bail hearing in court), the case is turned over to the Crown Attorney for prosecution in the courts. While the police will still have some influence over the proceedings, they are no longer in charge at this point: the prosecutor is now the decision-maker, until such time as a judge is called upon to make rulings.

The court process is complex. Each jurisdiction and each courthouse has its own rules, policies and procedures built up over the years. It takes an expert with knowledge, experience and a network of contacts to guide you through this labyrinth. At The Defence Group, we have years of experience, at all courthouses in Southern Ontario. We know how to navigate the bureaucracy and cut through the red tape.

The court process in criminal cases has three parts to it: the Discovery Phase; the Negotiation Phase; and the Trial Phase. The only way to win your case is for your criminal defence lawyer to defend your case vigorously and proactively at each stage.

Why are domestic violence charges so serious?
My wife and I had an argument, but no one was injured. She didn’t even call the police: a neighbour did. So why was I still charged?
The police didn’t even seem interested in my side of the story; they arrested me based only on what she said. Aren’t they supposed to investigate both sides?
I called the police on my boyfriend because I wanted them to just warn him not to get so angry, or to get help for his drinking. But they charged him anyway, and now we can’t have any contact with each other. Why?
I have never been in trouble with the law before, but when the police charged me, I was held in custody for three days over the weekend before I got out on bail. Why?
My bail conditions say that I cannot return home. I cannot contact my wife or my children. Why? How long will these restrictions last?
Can I get my conditions changed?
Can my wife go to court to get the charges dropped?
I heard that if the she doesn’t show up for the trial, the charges will be dropped. True?
Do women also get charged with domestic violence offences?
My wife and I are going through a nasty divorce. She falsely claims that I assaulted her six months ago, and the police charged me based on her word alone. Now she has the house and the kids. I think her divorce lawyer put her up to this. What can I do?
What Does ‘Possession’ of Drugs Mean in Canada?
How is Drug Trafficking defined in Canada?
How is Possession for the Purpose of Tracking defined in Canada?
How Is Production of a Controlled Substance Defined in Canada?
How Is Importing a Controlled Substance Defined in Canada?
How Is Conspiracy Defined in Canada?
How Are Wiretaps Executed by Police in Canada?
How are Search Warrants Deployed in Canada?
How Are Forfeiture and Proceeds of Crime Utilized in Canada?
How Do Confidential Informants Assist Police in Canada?
More Information on the Chart of Right and Freedoms in Canada
What is Sexual Assault?
What Does “Consent” Mean?
The Criminal Code on Consent
What is a Recognizance?
What is a Surety?
What is s Show Cause Hearing? A Consent Release?
What Bail Conditions Can I Expect?
How Can I Change My Bail Conditions?
What Can I Do If I Did Not Make Bail?
How Long Will I Be On Bail?

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